s Wireless Modem
SALES: 0118 965 5100
2. Select a new resolution. You can enter up to 11 characters in hh:mm:ss.ss format. For
example, to display a tracer of 69 minutes, set the Time Tracer resolution to
Note: Each time you define a new resolution; the time tracer graphs are reset.
Reset Counters
In the Counters and Tracers menu, type 8 to view the Reset Counters. The following
information is displayed:
RESET COUNTER: The number of times the system was reset since the last time the Reset
Counter was cleared.
CAUSE OF LAST RESET: The cause of the last reset. Possible causes are:
• Normal Error Condition: A “normal” reset following an error burst. A “normal” reset is
defined as a reset that may occur during regular operation and does not necessarily indicate a
problem, unless its’ rate of occurrence is too high.
• Loss of Power: A “normal” reset following an interruption in the power supply
• Unexpected Internal Error
• Unexpected assertion of HW reset line
• Unexpected Loss of CPU clock
• Unexpected software reset
• Unexpected assertion of SW reset line
All the “Unexpected” causes indicate HW problems that must be checked by Black Box
Clear Reset Counter
In the Counters and Tracers menu, type 9 to clear the Reset Counter.