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JPM814A, version 2
Use the Feed-Through CAT6 Patch Panels with or without the cable management bar. It neatly organizes and supports the cables
that are installed in rear of the patch panel.
Without using the cable management bar:
1. Find an empty rack space on a relay rack or communications cabinet.
2. Install the panel with the supplied 10-32 or 12-24 cuphead screws.
3. Install the RJ-45 patch cables on the front and rear connectors to make the connections.
Using the cable management bar:
1. Remove the two cuphead screws from each side of the patch panel.
2. Position the cable management bar on the patch panel and reinstall the two cuphead screws.
3. Install a patch cable in one of the panel’s rear ports. Unscrew the corresponding silver clip behind the installed port and
position the patch cable under the silver bracket. Tighten the screw.
4. For a 48-port patch panel (JPM816A or JPM820A), repeat Steps 1 through 3 to install the second cable management bar.
Installation is complete.