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Chapter 4: Configuration
Table 4-7 (Continued). Keyboard commands.
Function Keyboard command
• Leave tables
• Jump from tables into the previous filed
<Ctrl> + <Left-Shift> +
Open content-specific selection menus Right mouse button
NOTE: Various functions within the menus in the menu bar can be executed with
the provided keyboard commands (for example, press <Ctrl> + <S> to exe-
cute Save) that are listed to the right of the respective menu item.
Reload Options
The information shown in the Java tool can be reloaded in different ways.
• Via <F5> key on the used keyboard
• Via Edit > Reload in the menu bar
• Via “Reload” Symbol in the symbol bar
Context Function
The Java tool offers several context functions that support a user friendly and
effective operation of the tool. The context functions are described in the
respective chapters.
To execute a context function, use the right mouse button on the corresponding
field and select the desired function.
Sorting Function
Lists and tables in the Java tool offer a sorting function for fast and smooth
1. For ascending sort status, use the left mouse button once to click into the
header of the column you want to sort.
The sort status is indicated by an arrow that points upwards.
2. For descending sort, use the left mouse button twice to click on the header of
the column that you want to sort. The sort is displayed by an arrow that points
3. To cancel the sort, use the left mouse button once or twice to click on the
header of the column that is sorted until the displayed arrow disappears.