Indicator LEDs and Alarm Circuitry:
The AC300A-V/A system has integral indicator LEDs that are used to monitor the state
of the units. Transmitter and receiver units each feature one Video LED, one Audio LED
and one Power LED. Following is an explanation of each LED’s indicator conditions.
AC300A-TX / AC300A-RX
Power: (Green) Indicates that correct power has been applied.
Video: OFF: Indicates no video detected on the Y-Video BNC connector
ON: Indicates video detected on input Y-Video BNC connector
Audio: OFF: No audio detected on input audio connector
BLINKING: Audio detected on input audio connector
Video: OFF: Indicates no video detected over fiber and, as a result, no
video present on output Video BNCs.
ON: Indicates video detected over fiber and, as a result, video present
on output Video BNCs.
Audio: OFF: Indicates no audio detected over fiber and, as a result, no active
audio detected at the receiver unit.
BLINKING: Indicates audio detected over fiber and, as a result,
active audio detected at the receiver unit.