Prepared by Monique Lania 6Care & Maintenance of Bissell Deep Cleaner
BS-1950F Quickwash
Cleaning Delivery Tank
Cleaning underneath the front window nozzle
Remove and empty Dirty Water Tank
Remove delivery tank and thoroughly rinse using hot (not boiling) tap water
Fill delivery tank with clean water only.
Use machine on concrete to suck up a quantity of clean water.
Wipe underneath surface with a soft cloth
Ensure after each use that hair and debris are removed from the brush. This will
prolong the life of the brush.
Press detent pedal and tip handle back, laying unit flat on the floor
Release dirty water tank latches (grey latches, 1 on each side of unit) by pulling
up from the bottom of the latch and then out
Carefully lift blue dirty water tank from the lower body. Empty tank and rinse
thoroughly with hot (not boiling) tap water
Replace blue dirty water tank on lower body of unit and secure with latches