w w w . b i s s e l l . c o m 8 0 0 . 2 3 7 . 7 6 9 1
No power
Possible causes Remedies
1. EasySweep is not charged thoroughly 1. Make sure EasySweep has been properly plugged into an
outlet for the recommended amount of time. See “Charging
the Battery” on page 5
EasySweep operating but not picking up mess
Possible causes Remedies
1. The dirt container may be full 1. Empty out the dirt container (see Maintenance and
Care on page 6)
2. Debris may be lodged in the EasySweep or may be too heavy for 2. Empty out the dirt container (see Maintenance and Care on
the sweeper to pick up page 6) or avoid picking up large items with the EasySweep
Dirt Container door won’t open
Possible causes Remedies
1. A dirt jam gap between the dirt container door 1. Clean the gap thoroughly so the dirt container door can
and the bottom cover drop smoothly
Dirt Container Release button won’t function
Possible causes Remedies
1. Dirt build-up in the dirt container 1. Push the dirt container release door on the bottom of the unit and
the release button on the top of the unit at the same time
Other maintenance or service not included in the manual should be
performed by an authorized service representative.
Thank you for selecting a BISSELL product.
Please do not return this product to the store.
For any questions or concerns, BISSELL is happy to be of
service. Contact us directly at 1-800-237-7691.
Replacement parts - BISSELL EasySweep
1 2
You may purchase replacement parts by calling BISSELL Consumer Services or by
visiting our website. See page 8 for contact information.
Item Part No. Part Name
1. 203-1090 Handle Assembly
2. 203-1092 Charger