370310 F112003A
! After use store the machine in a place where fuel vapours cannot reach a na-
ked flame or sparks.
! In the instance of a long period of non-use, drain the fuel tank completely.
Use of the machine does not require specific lighting.
However, the recommended minimum amount of light (e.g. 200 lux) to be able to
read the notices on the machine and to operate it without running risks caused by
poor light.
Check the transmission oil level using the relative oil level screw ( fig. 11 ref. C). If
oil leaks out upon removal of this screw then there is enough of it in the transmis-
sion. If not, remove the filling cap shown in fig. 11 ref. A, then top up with SAE 90.
The oil should be replaced after the first 20 hours of use and after this every 100
working hours.
Remove the drainage cap shown in fig. 11 ( ref. B) and allow all the oil to run out.
After refitting the drainage cap, fill the transmission from the filling cap with SAE 90
transmission oil.
Refit the lid securely to prevent any leakage of oil.
Fig. 11