Function Type Operation ASCII
Picture Setting
Write Zoom out <CR>*zoomO#<CR>
Write Auto <CR>*auto#<CR>
Lamp Control
Read Lamp Hour <CR>*ltim=?#<CR>
Read Lamp-2 Hour <CR>*ltim2=?#<CR>
Write Dual Brightest <CR>*lampm=dualbr#<CR>
Write Dual Reliable <CR>*lampm=dualre#<CR>
Write Single Alternative <CR>*lampm=single#<CR>
Read Lamp Mode Status <CR>*lampm=?#<CR>
Menu Control
Write Menu On <CR>*menu=on#<CR>
Write Menu Off <CR>*menu=off#<CR>
Write Up <CR>*up#<CR>
Write Down <CR>*down#<CR>
Write Right <CR>*right#<CR>
Write Left <CR>*left#<CR>
Write Enter <CR>*enter#<CR>
Note1: If the command format is illegal, it will echo “Illegal format”.
Note2: If the command is not supported, it will echo “Unsupported item”.
Note3: If the command is disabled, it will echo “Block item”.
Note4: All the echo text will be same with the command you execute except query command