
Music Mode
Segment Repeat
Press MENU/ for one second to start up the Joybee 210, and press MENU/ again to go to
main menu selection. Use and to move and press to go to Music mode. Press
A-B/ to to set segment repeat start point A; press again to set segment repeat end point B.
This segment will start to repeat right after point B is set. Press A-B/ to stop this repeat and
to continue playback.
Delete Files
You can delete files on the Joybee 210 directly. Press MENU/ for one second to start up the
Joybee 210, and press MENU/ again to go to main menu selection. Use and to
move and press to go to Music mode. Press for two seconds to stop playback and
to list all current music files. Use and to select the music file you want to delete and
press A-B/ to go to Erase/ Yes or Erase/ No. Select Ye s to confirm deletion or No to exit.
Voice Mode
Delete Files
Press MENU/ for one second to start up the Joybee 210, and press MENU/ again to go
to main menu selection. Use and to move and press to go to Voice mode. Press
for two seconds to stop voice file playback. Use and to select the music file you
want to delete and press A-B/ to go to Erase/ Yes or Erase/ No. Select Ye s to confirm dele-
tion or No to exit.