Using the Joybee 150 Digital Audio Player Software28
Step 2: Combine and convert the synchronized lyrics file (.lyr file) and the music file into a
.mpr file and transfer it to the Joybee 150 Digial Audio Player
1.Click C
onvert on the menu bar and select M
P3->MPR. The following window will appear
on the screen.
2. Click the B
rowse... button to browse for and select the MP3 music file.
3. Click the B
rowse... button to browse for and select the corresponding synchronized .lyr
lyrics file.
4. Click C
overt. A message box will appear when conversion is done.
5. Copy the .mpr file to the Joybee 150 Digital Audio Player.
6. Select and play the .mpr file on the Joybee 150 Digital Audio Player, and you will see that
the lyrics are synchronized with the song on the display.
You must also enable the Lyrics Sync function. Please see "Lyrics Sync" on page 21.
You can also convert multiple song files and .lyr files at once. Follow the below steps:
1. Click C
onvert on the menu bar and select B
atch MP3->MPR. The following window will
appear on the screen.
3. Click the A
dd button to browse for and select the MP3 song files. You can select multiple
files. When done, click the O
pen button.