bellissimo Colour Digital Video Entry System
PD-144 Issue 2
Call sequence
When the visitor pushes the appropriate call button a ringing tone (optional) will be
heard at the entrance. The videophone in the flat / dwelling will ring, with a flashing
amber light, and the screen activate (optional). The videophone will continue to
ring for a period or until the handset is picked up. The visitor can now be seen on the
videophone and 2-way conversation is now possible; at the same time the green
door lamp will flash to highlight the unlock button.
The call may be terminated by replacing the handset or more usually by pressing the
button to allow the visitor access through the entrance at which time an audible
tone will be heard and the door unlocked.
Silent viewing
When the videophone is ringing the button on the videophone can be pressed
instead of lifting up the handset; this will stop the Video phone ringing and enable the
visitor to be viewed for a period or until the button is pressed to release the
door. If you wish to converse with the caller the handset can be picked up and
operation is then the same as the above section.
Call Mute
The videophone ringer can be muted when you do not wish to be disturbed. Caller
mute is activated by pressing the button on the videophone, which then
illuminates in red as a reminder. The handset must be on the hook for this to work.
Pressing the button a second time will disengage the mute function. The Mute
button can be used to turn the ring on or off, or off for a timed period depending on
installation settings.
Door Status Indication (optional)
The green lamp on the videophone will stay on for as long as the door is left
Key Fob Access (optional)
An optional Key Fob reader can be used for resident’s to gain access. To unlock the
door the Key Fob should be placed, briefly, almost touching, the reader window.
Trades button operation (optional)
Pressing the trades button during an allowed period will instantly unlock the door.