Detergent drawer
Remove any powder residue buildup in
1. Pressthedottedpointonthesiphon
in the softener compartment and pull
towards you until the compartment is
removed from the machine.
If more than a normal amount of water
and softener mixture starts to gather
in the softener compartment, the
siphon must be cleaned.
2. Wash the dispenser drawer and the
siphon with plenty of lukewarm water
in a washbasin. Wear protective
gloves or use an appropriate brush
to avoid touching the residues in the
drawer when cleaning.
3. Replace the drawer into its housing
after cleaning. Check if the siphon is
in its original location.
The door and the drum
• Checkifthereareanyforeign
substances in the drum.
• Opentheholeinthebellowwiththe
aid of a toothpick if it is clogged.
Foreign metal substances in your
machine can cause rust stains. In
Clean the drum with a stainless steel
cleaning agent. Never use steel wool
or wire wool.
Outer cabinet and control panel
• Wipetheexteriorpanelsofyour
machine with soapy water or mild
detergent. Dry it with a soft cloth.
• Useonlyasoftanddampclothto
clean the control panel.
Never use a sponge or scrubbing
material. These will damage the
painted and plastic parts.
Inlet water filters
There is a filter at the end of each water
intake valve at the back side of the
machine and also at the end of each water
intake hose where they are connected to
the tap. These filters prevent the foreign
substances and dirt in the water to enter
into the machine. Filters should be cleaned
as they get dirty.
• Closethetaps.
• Removethenutsofthewaterintake
hoses to clean the surfaces of the
filters on the water intake valves with
an appropriate brush.
• Ifthefiltersareverydirty,youcanpull
them out by means of pliers and clean
• Takeoutthefiltersontheflatendsof
the water intake hoses together with
the gaskets and clean thoroughly
Cleaning and care