Voice Editor 7-1
7 Voice Editor
7.1 Voice Editor
Access to the Voice Editor is through the drop-down File menu.
The voice editor is a utility for manipulating and organizing the individual phrases that the
Cv2 uses to identify groups, points and the site ID. These phrases are packaged into a
message (.msg) file that can be transferred to and from the unit. Adding, changing or
removing phrases can be done either through the programming telephone set or by editing a
message file and transferring it to the unit.
The phrases that make up the message file are displayed in the Site ID, Groups and Points list
boxes. A message file may contain any number of phrases up to the maximum of 37 when
every phrase is programmed for a system with all points and groups active. A message file
can be constructed from an existing one or entirely with new phrases.
If you want to edit an existing message file, use the Load button in the Message section to
select a file. The contents of the message file will be displayed with the designation “in .msg
file” if a phrase is present or with the designation “empty” if there is no phrase for that
location. If you have the configuration database that is associated with this message file
loaded in the main program and if the names for each phrase have been programmed in the
database, you can turn on the Use Text Names to include the names of the phrases in the
display. Do not display the text names if they do not correspond with the associated phrases.
If the pre-recorded message file is not on disk but is present in the Cv2, it can be downloaded
by selecting the Read from ProTalk button in the Message section.
Adding individual phrase (.vox) files is done by selecting the location where the phrase will be
used and then pressing the Load button in the Phrase section (or double-clicking the location).
The file selected in the Open File dialog will be placed at that location.
Press the Clear button to remove a selected phrase.
Individual phrases that were part of a previously recorded message file can be saved to disk by
pressing the Save button. A suitable name for the file is required; the program does not
attempt to provide a default name even if there is a text name available. External files (.vox
files taken from a phrase file on the hard drive) that have been loaded cannot be saved in this
manner; use the Windows Explorer to copy these files.
All of the information concerning phrases shown in the editor can be saved to file by pressing
the Save button in the Configuration section. Previously saved configurations can be restored
by pressing the Load button in the Configuration section. Loading a new configuration
replaces all currently displayed data.
Important: The phrase and message data is not embedded in the configuration file, it only
contains pointers to the input data members. When the program generates a new message file
it locates the source phrase data by using either the file names of the phrases or the loaded
message file. If these files are relocated after they have been selected in the editor, an error
will occur when the message file is being generated.