2. Xenon bulb lamp replacement process
2.5 Resetting the lamp parameters
CAUTION: The “LAMP INFO” parameters which are stored on a chip MUST be updated after each installation
of an xenon bulb lamp inside the lamp house . Negle c ting this update will result in poor perform ance and s hort
life time of the xenon bulb lamp.
How to reset the lamp parameters?
1. Start up the projector but do not ignite the lamp.
2. Go via the Communicator touch pan el to the menu “ Installation”>“Lamp”>“Lamp in formation”.
3. While the Lamp information window is displayed, tip on Reset (1).
A reset message is displayed (2).
4. Fill out the ar ticle number of the new lamp (3a)
click on Select (3b) to display a list of possible article numbers (4). Select a article num ber (5) and click OK (6).
The software will check if the entered article number is a valid number (7).
5. Fill out the serial number of the lamp (8).
6. Click Reset (9).
Image 2-19
Reset lamp info
CAUTION: For more information about using the Comm unicator touch panel consult the user’s guide of the
communicator touch panel.
20 R59770175 XENON BULB LAMP REPLACEMENT 24/09/2008