6.3 Commands for broadcast addressing
In principle, all commands can be sent in broadcast addressing mode, however, some of the valid com-
mands are not very useful to be sent to all of the
RCS simultaneously.
The following table lists the commands for reasonable broadcasting addressing. For HERMES DXD it's
the switching commands which are apt to be sent in broadcasting addressing.
command description
t selects input from first graphical controller
as signal for Digital Out 1
a selects input from second graphical controller
as signal for Digital Out 1
s selects input from first graphical controller
as signal for Digital Out 2
b selects input from second graphical controller
as signal for Digital Out 2
Example: If all RCS of class m are to select the input from the second graphical controller as
signal for
Digital Out 1, the RCM sends the following broadcast command:
M0 0 a 0e
M (upper case, since the RCS are of class m and it is a broad-
casting addressing)
<ADDRH><ADDRL> in broadcast addressing it is always
The command passes all members of the Remote Control chain and is executed simultaneously by all
RCS. It then reaches unmodified the RCM.