6. Configuration schemes
How to set up a mixed configuration
1. Connect the RS232 communication port of the local control PC with the COM1 RS232 input port of the
first D320L Digitizer. This Digitizer will act as the master, all following Digitizers are slaves.
2. Connect the LOOP OUT of each previous Digitizer with the LOOP IN of the next Digitizer.
3. Connect the LED-WALL OUTPUT of the last Digitizer of each chain with a screen. Do this in a logical
order to simplify the configuration with the control software. First chain drives first screen from the left,
second chain drives second screen from the left and so on.
4. Connect each COM2 RS232 output port of the previous chained Digitizer with the COM1 RS232 input
port of the next chained Digitizer.
5. Connect each COM3 RS232 output port of the previous stacked Digitizer with the COM1 RS232 input
port of the next stacked Digitizer.
6. Provide the available video sources to the input modules and use the active loop through to connect
the sources with the other stacked input modules.
Note: The control software will recognize the chained Digitizers as one Digitizer in a stacked configura-
tion. But instead of only 4 input slots the software will detect a plural of 4 input slots. Make sure
the same input source is used for the same input slot number on the different stacked Digitizers.
7. Configure the D320L Digitizers and the Display with the control software installed on the local control
R5976542 D320L DIGITIZER 15042003