1. Introduction
Depending on the ClickShare version, some graphics might be different to the ones used in this manual. This
however does not have any effect to the fun ctionality.
The User Guide describes how to use ClickShare. It also contains a basic troubleshooting part where you can search for a solution
when a problem occurs.
1.3 Symbols and fonts
Symbol overview
The following icons are used in th e manual :
Info, term defi nition. General info about the term
Note: gives extra information about the described subject
Tip: gives extra advice about the described subject
Font overview
• Buttons are indicated in bold, e.g. OK.
• Menu items are indicated in italic.
• Step related notes, tips, warnings or cautions are printed in italic.
• Procedure related notes, tips, warnings or cautions are printed in bold between 2 lines preceded by t he corresponding ic on.
R5900001 CLICKSHARE 21/11/2013