
Baracoda KEmul RS232 for PC – User Guide v3.36.3 - 7 -
Data Capture
for Workforce
in Motion
The RS232 Kemul is preset to default settings that reflect typical serial applications. These settings should be
modified to fit the current application parameters.
1. COM Port
The COM Port is the communication port that the RS232 dongle is attached to on the host computer.
The default serial port on a computer is usually COM Port 1. If the serial port on the user’s PC is not
COM Port 1, they will need to change this setting of the RS232 KEmul program to match the serial
COM Port the RS232 dongle is attached to.
2. Baud Rate
The baud rate is the data transmission rate of the serial port. The RS232 dongle has a default baud
rate of 9600 bits/s. The baud rate of the RS232 KEmul has to match the baud rate of the RS232 dongle.
3. Parity
Parity is an error checking algorithm that counts the number of “ones” during data transmission. Even
parity means there is an even number of “ones” in the data transfer. Odd parity means there is an odd
number of “ones” in the data transfer. The default value is none because the RS232 dongle is capable
of transferring data without checking the parity of the data transfer.
4. Data Bits
The data bits specify the size of the data transfer sent by the RS232 dongle. The only selection for this
option is 8 because the RS232 dongle can only transfer 8 bits of data at a time.
5. Stop Bits
The stop bits are bits that indicate the data transfer is over. The default is one stop bit. However the
RS232 dongle can be programmed to send 2 stop bits if necessary.