BaracodaManager for PC – User Guide v3.39 - 65 -
Data Capture
for Workforce
in Motion
The following table shows the Battery field:
Battery level (OK or recharge battery).
The following table shows the Other Settings buttons that you can set:
Access Bluetooth connection settings (see below)
The table below shows the actions you can take with the buttons:
Close window with no changes.
Store and send the new parameters to the barcode reader.
Ugrade the reader’s firmware. Please check Chapter 16 for details.
16.1. Batch mode settings
The Batch mode configuration displays three buttons and give the choice between:
1. Upload barcodes to a file
o Always upload to the same file, overwriting the previous content (“Overwrite last upload file”)
o Append data to last upload file (default)
o Generate a different file name for every upload (“Add timestamp to file name”)
2. Upload barcodes to an application window
(for more information see the paragraph “Uploading data stored in batch mode”)
Choose a file name and path to store the barcodes
Close Batch configuration window without saving any modifications
Save the modifications and close Batch configuration window