Baracoda USB Plug & Scan dongle – User Guide v3.33d - 6 -
Data Capture
for Workforce
in Motion
3. How to connect your Baracoda Scanner ?
3.1 Connection process
Here is the process to connect the scanner to the Plug&Scan USB dongle:
1. Reset the scanner (see Scanner User Guide to perform this operation).
2. Plug the dongle into the USB port of the computer.
3. Do not scan any other barcodes except the ‘connect barcode’ that is delivered with the dongle.
4. Within 5 seconds (not necessary to rescan), the connection is established.
o The scanner beeps twice and the LED will change to a double flashing green. (*)
5. Start scanning barcodes.
(*) If the LED on the scanner is not double flashing green, this can possibly mean:
The scanner battery is low. Charge the unit up completely and try again
The scanner has not been reset. Reset it and try again
The scanner has been programmed from its default status and it is not able to decode the Code 128
symbology. Be aware that the ‘connect barcode’ is a code128 symbology and so the scanner shall stay
in its default mode “Code128 on”
By default, the Plug&Scan dongle activates the “No Data Loss Mode”. (Please refer to the paragraph 3.4 for
additional information)
Nota: When a connection is existing with a DualRunners, captured barcodes and/or RFID TAG ID can be treated.
3.2 Embedded firmware version
Once the scanner is connected; the capture of this “Print firmware version” barcode will forward and display
the firmware version of your Plug&Scan dongle following this format “Baracoda HID vx.xx”:
Print Plug&Scan firmware version
3.3 Disconnection process
There are 3 different ways to disconnect a scanner from the Plug&Scan dongle.
1. Reading the following “disconnect barcode” with the connected barcode scanner. Use this barcode to
disconnect your barcode scanner from a Plug&Scan dongle.
Disconnect barcode
2. Remove the USB dongle from the USB port (power will be OFF)
3. Connect another scanner by reading the dongle’s ‘Connect barcode’ with it (Swap process).