Chapter 2: Hardware Installation and Setup 11
• Parity: None
• Stop Bits: 1
• Flow Control: None
3. Once a connection is established, a serial console menu appears.
4. You then type 2 to configure any of the following network settings:
• Set eth speed
• Choose using DHCP or defining an IP address
• Type subnet mask
• Type gateway IP address
• Select default gateway
• Define primary DNS and secondary DNS
NOTE: The IP address on LAN Port 1 must not change during operation of the appliance. Therefore always
configure LAN port 1 with a static IP address or, if using DHCP, ensure that the IP addresses are assigned with
unlimited lease times. There is no restriction on how LAN port 2 can be configured. It is also possible to configure
DNS on the Management Appliance, if it is required for administrator access through a web browser.
NOTE: If DHCP is selected, the Management Appliance must be re-booted for the change to take effect.
5. Set time and date on the serial menu
6. Type 0 to exit.