
53Chapter 8 - Data-Link Protocols (Encapsulation)
PPP Menu (Continued)
Parameter Description
Disable LCP Echo
LCP (Link Control Protocol) messages are normally exchanged to monitor the status of
the link. Disabling these messages reduces traffic, but the link then has no way of
knowing if the other end is still connected.
Time Interval to Send
Config Requests
Config Request messages are used to negotiate the parameters at the start of a PPP
connection. For a slow line, this time should be increased to allow the reply to return
to the sender. If not, the sender will assume it was lost and send another.
Edit ACCM Applies to asynchronous connections only. Permits control character mapping
negotiation on asynchronous links. This is useful when you need to send a control
character as data (e.g. XON/XOFF, Crtl A, etc.) over an asynchronous link and do not
want it interpreted by the modem or other device in the middle. The map is built up
with the following commands.
– Resets the ACCM table toggle;
– Add XON/XOFF control characters to the ACCM table;
Toggle Char
– Add other control characters to the ACCM table, using their ASCII
Typing the option once (for example, X), includes it in the table. Typing it again
excludes it from the table. More details are given in the CyROS Reference Guide.
Enable Predictor
Enables data compression using the Predictor algorithm. This feature should be
enabled only if Cyclades' equipment is being used on both ends of the connection
because there is no established standard for data compression interoperability. Data
compression is very CPU-intensive, making this feature effective only for links running
at speeds under 1Mbps. At higher speeds, the time necessary to compress data
offsets the gains in throughput achieved by data compression.
Number of Bits for
Applies when
Predictor Compression Enabled
. Sixteen is fastest, but 10 must be used
if the router on the other end is a PathRouter, for compatibility.
Connection Type Applies to asynchronous connections only.
NT-Serial Cable
is a direct connection to a
Windows NT computer. This is necessary because NT requires a negotiation before
the beginning of the PPP negotiation.
is used for other connections using
cables or leased lines.