
TToo lloocckk tthhee ddoooorrss uussiinngg yyoouurr rreemmoottee
Pressing / for one second will lock the doors. The parking lights
will flash once to confirm the doors are locked.
TToo uunnlloocckk tthhee ddoooorrss uussiinngg yyoouurr rreemmoottee
To unlock the doors, press
/ for one second. The parking lights
will flash twice to confirm the doors are unlocked.
TToo rreemmoottee ssttaarrtt tthhee vveehhiiccllee
Press the button twice within 3 seconds. The parking lights will
flash to confirm remote start operation. Once the remote start has been
activated, the vehicle will run for the preprogrammed period or until a
shutdown input is triggered.
RReeaarr WWiinnddooww DDeeffooggggeerr
Press the
/ , and buttons simultaneously to turn the
defogger on or off when remote starting. When a remote start is initi-
ated, the parking lights will flash 2-times if the defogger is set to off,
and will flash 3-times if the defogger is set to on.
CCuutt aalloonngg ddootttteedd lliinnee aanndd ffoolldd ffoorr aa qquuiicckk aanndd eeaassyy rreeffeerreennccee ttoo kkeeeepp iinn yyoouurr ppuurrssee oorr wwaalllleett..