About the Avaya Installation Wizard
Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8500 Media Server February 2007
6. Put a check in the allow Linux shell access field.
7. Skip the lock this account and date on which account is disabled fields.
8. For the select type of authentication option, select password.
9. Complete the following fields:
● enter key or password
● re-enter key or password
● force password/key change on first login
Note: Do not lock the account or set the password to be disabled.
10. Leave the defaults in the remaining fields.
11. Click Add.
The system tells the login is added successfully.
About the Avaya Installation Wizard
Use the Avaya Installation Wizard to automatically:
● Configure the media server
● Configure the Remote Maintenance Board
● Install the license file
Note: To install the license file the server does not have to be connected to the
reference IPSI. However, you have only 30 minutes before the system checks the
serial number on the IPSI. To add another 30 minutes, type reset system 1
and press Enter in a SAT session to restart the Communication Manager
● Install the Avaya authentication files
● Install software updates
To use the Installation Wizard, you can either:
● Import the data from the completed Electronic Preinstallation Worksheet (EPW). When the
Installation Wizard prompts you to import the Preinstallation Worksheet, click Import EPW
and browse to the location of the EPW file on your Services laptop computer. The
Installation Wizard opens the EPW and uploads the configuration data.
● Type the information manually with the completed EPW as a guide. The Installation Wizard
prompts you to enter the configuration data for each step in the Configure Server section.