Upgrading an Existing G700 with an S8300 — R1.x to R2.0
Upgrade the Firmware on the G700
250 Installation and Upgrades for G700 and S8300
December 2003
Upgrade the Firmware on the G700
The tasks in this section can be completed most efficiently by using the Avaya Installation Wizard or the
Upgrade Tool. If the S8300 is a primary controller, use the Installation Wizard. If the S8300 is one of
several LSPs controlled by the same primary controller, use the Upgrade Tool. Or, in either case, you can
complete the tasks manually as described below.
Go to http://support.avaya.com/avayaiw
to download job aids for using the Installation Wizard or
Upgrade Tool.
If the passwords to log on to the P300 stack or the MGP have been changed from the
defaults, you must change them back to the original default passwords before using the
Installation Wizard or Upgrade Tool.
Using the Installation Wizard
On the Integrated Management main menu, click Launch Avaya Installation Wizard. To use the
Installation Wizard to upgrade firmware on the G700, be sure to select the "Upgrade a previously
installed Media Server with new software and/or Media Gateway firmware" on the Usage Options screen.
The Usage Options screen appears in the Installation Wizard after a few introductory screens.
Using the Upgrade Tool
On the Integrated Management main menu, click Launch Upgrade Tool. Follow the instruction to
upgrade the G700 and media module firmware.
Manual Upgrade Procedures
If you are using the Avaya Installation Wizard or the Upgrade Tool:
• Skip to If the S8300 is Using IA770 on page 257 if IA770 is being used, or
• Skip to Complete the Upgrade Process (S8300 is the Primary Controller) on page 260 if IA770 is
not being used.
If you are not using the Avaya Installation Wizard or Upgrade Tool, conduct the following manual
procedures to update the firmware running on the G700 Media Gateway processors and media modules.
Verify the Contents of the tftpboot Directory
Before proceeding with the G700 firmware installation, you should check the tftpboot directory on the
TFTP server to make sure the firmware versions match those listed in the planning documentation.