6 June 14, 2001
WFQ Queue-Servicing Algorithm
You can configure the WFQ service policy. The WFQ policy
implemented in the Cajun II Queue Classification and Servicing
sub-system is a variation of the textbook WFQ algorithm. In Cajun II
WFQ, each queue is assigned a weight increment. The weight
increment never varies; however, each queue also maintains an
accumulated weight, which is updated after each queue service
cycle. Queues are serviced based upon their relative accumulated
weights. In each queue service cycle, only the queue with the
highest accumulated weight is serviced. If there is a tie, the queue
with the highest priority (0 – 7 highest) is serviced first. After each
queue service cycle, the accumulated weight for the queue that is
serviced is reset to the value of its weight increment, and the
accumulated weight for the other queues is increased by their
respective weight increments.
When you set a port for WFQ, the switch services priority queues
according to their assigned weight. The queue with the highest
weight is serviced first.
There are two levels to the WFQ command. The first level specifies
the modules/ports to be configured. The second level specifies the
queue weights.
Port Mirroring on 80-Series Modules
The port mirroring on 80-series modules that is implemented in
v5.2.2 provides the ability for the 80-series modules to monitor
traffic that a port transmits and receives. Four channels are provided
for monitoring traffic, so you can monitor four different ports or
port ranges simultaneously.
* Note: Your switch must be in fabric mode 2 to perform 80-series
port mirroring.
You can configure port mirroring on 80-series modules by using
either the command-line interface (CLI) or the Web Agent.