NN44400-710 Contact Center Performance Management 12 November 2010 105
Expert reports
Variable definitions
Changing a database alias
A database alias is a name that represents a database view in the report definition. If
you use an alias rather than a view name, you can easily change the view used by a
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 From the Crystal Reports window, choose Database, Database Expert.
2 In the Selected Tables box, select the database view for which to create an alias name.
3 On your keyboard, press F2.
4 Enter the new alias.
5 Clear the database view to save the new name.
You can create a user-defined daily report. If you want an interval report with
identical fields, you can copy the daily report and change the database alias to point
to an interval view.
Click on dAgentPerformanceStat under Selected Tables. In the edit box, enter
iAgentPerformanceStat. Clear the database view. The view is now renamed
Variable Value
ROD Remote Data Object
<ODBC entry> Server application name and IP address (for
example, CCMS_47.10.25.3_DSN)
<user ID> User ID that corresponds to a user account created
in Contact Center Manager Server (not a Windows
2000 ID defined on the Contact Center Manager