Customer and contact details
126 NN44400-114 Contact Center Agent Desktop 2 December 2010
Searching for a contact
Search for a contact to create or review a customer contact.
You can search for a contact based on one or more of the following criteria:
• Agent (is, is not)
• Last action (is, is not)
• ID (less than, equal to, greater than)
• Subject (contains, begins with, ends with)
• Status (is, is not)
• Closed reason (is, is not) activity code
• Closed date (before, on, after)
• Skillset (is, is not)
• Type (is, is not) of contact
• Disposition code (is, is not)
• Mail To (contains, begins with, ends with)
• Mail From (contains, begins with, ends with)
• Arrival date (before, on, after)
The search results display the Agent who worked most recently on the contact.
If the search results in more contacts than one page can show, use the arrows
to move to the Next, Previous, First, and Last page of the search results.
• Ensure that the Action bar is visible.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 Click Contact Search.
2 In the first column, select the criteria to use for the search (for example, Status
or Skillset).
3 In the second column, select the logical operators for the search criteria (for
example, is or is not).
4 In the third column, type your search value (for example, Closed).