Secondary account logout
You can log out of a secondary account by selecting the secondary
account in the Logout Select User screen. This causes the secondary
account to be removed from the autologin list. If you restart the
IP Deskphone, the secondary account is not logged back in.
Server failover
If the connection to your account proxy is lost, then the IP Deskphone
notifies your account and periodically attempts to reconnect. Some
features remain accessible for other accounts (for example, incoming
calls), but other features are not available until connection is re-
established or you cancel the reconnection. Cancelling the call has the
same effect as logging out. If you are the primary account, the
IP Deskphone returns to the initial login screen. If you are logged in on a
secondary account, that secondary account is removed from the list of
secondary accounts that are logged in on automatic login.
If more than one account loses connection, the IP Deskphone attempts to
reconnect to account in sequence. The first account to lose connection
retries until it re-registers or you cancel the attempt, after which a
reconnect attempt begins for the next account. Canceling the
reconnection attempt of the primary account immediately abandons
attempts for all other accounts, logs out secondary accounts that are still
connected, and returns the IP Deskphone to the login screen.
A single login queue is used for automatic logins and failover. This means
that if automatic logins are still pending when an account cannot connect,
a reconnection attempt for that account only begins after all automatic
logins have completed or are cancelled.
Cable unplugged
If the IP Deskphone detects that the network cables are unplugged while
accounts were logged in, then the IP Deskphone assumes that all
accounts have lost their connection to the server. When you reconnect
the cable, the IP Deskphone proceeds to re-register all accounts starting
with the primary account.