Receiving a call
Managing Call Decline Reasons
You can create Call Decline Reasons that you can access when you want
to decline an incoming call. Also, you can edit and delete Call Decline
Reasons from the list of Call Decline Reasons you create.
To create a Call Decline Reason:
5. Choose one of the following:
— Press the Send context-sensitive
soft key to send the new custom
decline reason to the caller.
Note: The IP Deskphone adds the new
reason to the list of Decline Call
Reasons for future use.
— Press the Back context-sensitive
soft key to return to the initial Decline
Call screen.
Prefs 1. Press the Prefs context-sensitive soft
key, select Feature Options, and then
choose Call Decline Reasons from the
Add 2. Press the Add context-sensitive soft key
to add a new Call Decline Reason to the
list of available Call Decline Reasons.
3. Use the dialpad to enter the new Call
Decline Reason for the contact.