H323 Phone Install Page 10
15-601046 Issue 15b (16 July 2009)IP Office 4.2
1.2 Supported Phones
This documentation provides installation notes for the following Avaya IP phone supported by IP Office.
Supported on IP Office 4.2 Q4 2008+.
Supported on IP Office 2.1+.
Also known as Spectralink phones, these IP
phones connect via a WiFi network and
additional equipment. They are covered by
their own separate IP Office installation
Supported on IP Office 3.2+.
Supported on IP Office 4.1+.
Supported on IP Office 3.0+
These phones are supported on a range of
Avaya phone systems including IP Office.
However when used with IP Office the
firmware installed on the phones must be
that supplied with the IP Office
administration software.
Supported on IP Office 2.1+.
Only supported up to IP Office 3.2.
Supported on IP Office 3.0+.
Only supported up to IP Office 3.2.
Supported on IP Office 2.0+.
Only supported up to IP Office 3.2.
Supported on IP Office 3.0+.
Supported on IP Office 3.2+
Supported on IP Office 3.0+.
These phones are supported on IP Office
only. They cannot be used with other
phone systems.
Supported on IP Office 3.2+.
*These phones can also be used with VPNremote firmware.
ยท Other H323 IP Phones
Other H323 IP telephony devices are supported through the entry of an IP Office IP Endpoint license into the IP
Office configuration. However, no functionality on these devices beyond basic call answering and making is
guaranteed by Avaya. Therefore, installation of these devices should be thoroughly tested before any customer