Issuing Commands
Issue 2 November 1996
Repeating a Command
As mentioned earlier, the command buffer contains the last completed
command line. If you wish to repeat the previous command line without retyping
it, type A/ without the AT command prefix and without pressing
. This
command is most useful when you have typed a command line to have the
8400B Plus Data Module dial a number, and it returns the result code BUSY.
Use the A/ command to redial the number as often as you wish.
Table 3-2. Result Codes
Verbose Form Numeric Description
OK 0 Command accepted
CONNECT 1 Connection made at 300 bps
If command X0 is in effect,
CONNECT means connection
made at whatever speed both
ends of the call agreed upon.
RING 2 Ring signal detected
NO CARRIER 3 Carrier signal not detected or lost
ERROR 4 Error in command line
CONNECT 1200 5 Connection made at 1200 bps
BUSY 7 Busy signal detected
CONNECT 2400 10 Connection made at 2400 bps
CONNECT 4800 11 Connection made at 4800 bps
CONNECT 9600 12 Connection made at 9600 bps
CONNECT 19200 14 Connection made at 19200 bps