Issue 6 January 2008 137
The high level architecture is a shared data approach, where most components do not interact
directly with each other, but rather all share and use data in the database. The master admin
system populates that data from a single web interface, and run-time components read and
modify that data. In some cases, there are specific interfaces between components: the event
server is reached through the proxy using SIP, the event server and PPM use a SOAP service
for profile notifications, and the trace logger communicates between the proxy's logging
capabilities and MAWS.
The SES Network
As a proxy infrastructure, SES is at the heart of SIP communications, routing messages
between other SIP networks, SIP feature servers, SIP adjuncts, and SIP endpoints in the SIP
network. Two terms describe an SES server: Edge Server and Home Server. An "Edge Server"
communicates with external SIP networks, and a "Home Server" provides service to endpoints.
The most basic server is a single-box solution that provides both Edge and Home capabilities
and is referred to as a Home-Edge server. The Home-Edge server contains all of the SES
components, can be configured to route to external domains, and provides service to SIP
SES Edge Server
The SES Edge Server provides routing to external domains as well as hosting the global routing
table for the enterprise. While it does not have specific knowledge of SIP endpoint registrations,
it knows where users are on the network. In fact, it knows where to route each SIP address in
that domain.
The SES Master Admin system is resident on the edge server.
SES Core Router
The SES Core Router is an enhancement to the Edge Server to perform prefix-based routing
between branches in the Distributed Office environment.
SES Home Server
The SES Home Server provides service to SIP endpoints. The Home Server routes the
Advanced SIP Telephony (AST) capability with Communication Manager, provides a SIP
registrar, and contains the Personal Profile Manager web service and end-user web interface
for profile management.
Communication Manager as the SIP Feature Server
Communication Manager implements SIP trunk and the Advanced SIP Telephony (AST) feature
set utilizing OPTIM capabilities in Communication Manager. This allows a SIP endpoint to signal