Terminal server installation
128 Issue 4 October 2002
Administering the gateway
If the C-LAN circuit pack and IOLAN+ are in the same subnet, skip this step.
1. Select Admin mode > Password and press
2. Type iolan and press
3. Select gateway to access the Gateway menu
4. Fill in the following fields for Entry 1:
■ Destination: C-LAN IP address
■ Gateway: Gateway address
■ Netmask: Subnet mask
The following steps re-initialize the IOLAN+ so it knows it’s connected
to the LAN through your gateway.
5. Select reboot and press
6. Press the space bar to restart the IOLAN+.
Administering an IOLAN+ port
Use this procedure when connecting an adjunct or serial COM port on a PC
directly (locally) to the IOLAN+ (see Figure 23).
1. Select Admin mode > Password and press ENTER.
2. Type iolan and press
3. Select port and press
4. Type port number, where port number is the port that the adjunct
connects to, and press
ENTER to view the Port Setup Menu.