Advanced Communications System
Form F5: Instructions for Pool Access Restrictions
Form F5: Instructions for Pool Access Restrictions 0
Pool Access Restriction (#315) 0
By default, access to all lines and pools is set to No Restriction. To change the default, write the line numbers or pool access codes in the
appropriate columns, as follows:
Outgoing only–User can place outside calls and receive only transferred calls on specified line or pool.
Incoming only–User cannot place outside calls but can receive calls on specified line or pool.
No Access–User cannot place or receive outside calls on specified line or pool (but can receive transferred calls, pick up calls on hold, or join calls
in Key mode and on key extensions in Hybrid mode).
NOTE: Pool Access Restriction for key extensions in Hybrid mode is set to No Access. Pooling and Hybrid mode are available only if
you are using PARTNER ACS R2.0 or later.
NOTE: For T1 lines with Direct Inward Dialing, the Pool Access Restriction is ignored (that is, users can receive calls on DID lines and
pools that are “Outgoing only” or “No Access”).
Outgoing Call Restriction (#401) 0
Write “IN” or “LOC” to indicate restrictions for all outgoing calls on all lines at that extension, as follows:
IN–User can make only intercom calls to other system extensions.
LOC–User can make only intercom and local outside calls (no calls that require a “0” or “1” prefix).
Any available outside lines can still be used to dial numbers on an Allowed Phone Number List assigned to the extension, numbers on the
Emergency Phone Number List, or Marked System Speed Dial numbers.