Using the Call Log Application
4-2 Issue 2.0 December 2003
About the Call Log 4
All calls made to or from your 4630 IP Telephone are added to the Call Log. The
log displays the following information for each call as available:
■ Caller’s name
■ Caller’s phone number
■ Time and date of the call
■ Type of call - incoming unanswered (Missed), incoming answered
(InAns), and outgoing (Outgo)
■ Call length (expressed in hours/minutes/seconds)
You determine how you want your Call Log sorted by selecting the appropriate
heading on the Call Log screen. The default sort order is Time/Date order, with
the most recent entry first. If you select the Type or Length column heading (or
any other column), the list is re-sorted according to your selection and
redisplayed. Highlighting in a column heading indicates that column is the current
sort criterion. A downward triangle in a column indicates the list is sorted from the
earliest to the most recent (for Time/Date), shortest to longest (for Length),
alphabetical A to Z (for Name), or numerical (1 and up). Re-selecting a [selected]
column reverses the display order, and shows an upward triangle.
Calls made or received while the Call Log is displayed are added to the list if they
fall within the current order of the list or if you are at the top of the list. For
example, if your Call Log is sorted in descending Time/Date order (the most
common method of sorting the list), an incoming call is added to the top of the list
as you view it. But if your Call Log sort preference is set to descending Type, an
outgoing call will follow any unanswered and incoming calls on the log. When
there is more than one call to or from the same party (matching Name, Phone
Number and Call Type), the most recent call information overrides the preceding
log entry upon hang-up.
The Call Log’s maximum number of entries is 100. When this maximum is
exceeded, the oldest (chronological) entry is automatically dropped from the log
before a new call is added.
If the 4630 IP Telephone loses power or is reset, all un-archived Call Log
entries will be lost, and cannot be retrieved. See Archiving the Call Log
Chapter 8
for information on archiving Call Log data.