
Error Conditions
Issue 2.2 April 2005 105
The user indicates a 4610SW/4620/4620SW/
4621SW/4622SW/4625SW-specific or
4630/4630SW-specific application is not
CAUSE: The 46xxsettings script file is not
pointed to accurately, or is not properly
administered to allow the application.
RESOLUTION: Assuming the user is meant
to have that application, verify the
46xxsettings script file is properly specified
for your system, including case if your file
server is UNIX or LINUX, and extension.
Then, verify all the relevant parameters
indicated in Table 7
and Table 8, are
accurately specified in the 46xxsettings file.
PHY2STAT was set
using the INT local
procedure as
specified in the 4600
Series IP Telephone
Installation Guide.
BUT the 4610SW,
4621SW, 4622SW,
4625SW uses the
original setting instead
of using the new
setting following a
CAUSE: The telephone’s FTP Backup/
Restore feature is enabled. The user
specified a setting file for the PC Ethernet
Interface setting through the Options menu.
The user-specified setting is overriding the
Local Procedure PHY2STAT setting.
RESOLUTION: Use the Options menu to
change the setting to the value you want, so
the INT local procedure is not necessary.
Alternatively, use the Options menu to
change the PC Ethernet Interface setting to
Auto-negotiation. Then make all future
changes using the INT local procedure.
Table 10: Some Error Conditions in Operation of 4600 Series IP
Telephones (continued)
Condition Cause/Resolution
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