Voicemail Pro Page 419
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
Appendix: Installing VoiceMail Pro as an ACM Gateway
displayed to ask if you want to create a new PC user account with the specified name and password. Click Yes.
The Select Program Folder window opens.
15. Select the program folder where you would like the icons for the Voicemail Pro components to be added. By
default, the program icons are added to IP Office.
16. Click Next. The Start Copying Files window opens. Before any copying starts, you are presented with a summary
of the settings that you have chosen so far.
17. Review the settings to make sure that they are what you expect. Scroll down if necessary.
18. If for any reason the details are not what you expect, click Back and make the necessary changes. When you are
satisfied that the details are correct, click Next to start copying the files. The Setup Status window opens to keep
you informed while the installation takes place.
19. When the installation is complete you are prompted to restart the computer. Choose Yes I want to restart my
computer now.
20. Click Finish to restart now.
21. When the computer restarts, log back in. The IP Office Voicemail Pro - ACM Gateway Settings window opens.
22. In the Mail Server box, type the name of the mail server to use.
23. Choose Message Networking/Interchange to use Interchange or Modular Messaging to use Modular Messaging.1.
24. Click Next. The IP Office Voicemail Pro SMTP Email Settings window opens.
· In the Mail Server box, type the name of the SMTP mail server. This should be the fully qualified domain
· In the Port Number box, type the number of the receiving port on the SMTP mail server. The default is 25.
· In the Mail Drop box, type the name of the destination folder for outgoing emails on the SMTP Server.
Alternatively, click the Browse button and select the folder to use.
· To enforce server authentication, check the Server Requires Authentication box. This is optional. If you
check this option you also need to provide the Account Name and Password that need to be entered. You can
also choose whether or not to set the Use Challenge Response Authentication option.
25. Click Finish. An attempt is made to validate the email settings. If everything has been installed correctly and the
license requirements are met, you are prompted to start the Voicemail service. If the attempt to connect with the
SMTP server fails, an error message is displayed. You might need to start the Voicemail service manually. For more
information, see Starting the Voicemail Pro Service .
26. Click OK to acknowledge the message. You have now finished installing the Voicemail Pro ACM Gateway software.