Maintenance 35
© Travis Industries 4070806 100-01191_000
Yearly Maintenance (or every two tons) - continued
Remove the button plugs at the top of the firebox (both sides). Once removed, use the bottle brush
to dislodge any flyash from the exhaust channel behind the button plug.
Use the included bottle brush to remove accumulated flyash from the vertical exhaust channels (both
sides). You may need to bend the bottle brush to allow it to access this area. Remove accumulated
flyash from the horizontal exhaust channels along the perimeter of the firebox and leading to the
exhaust blower. Sweep the flyash out of the exahust channels and into the ashpan.
Button Plug
Vertical Exhaust Channel (behind the
firebox walls – accessed from below).
HINT: You can remove dry flyash from the
vertical exhaust channels by “tapping” on
the walls (be careful to prevent flyash from
flying into the air).
Horizontal Exhaust Channel
Use the
bottle brush
to clean this