
using your Xpress
A list of songs and or artists that have been
TuneSelected will be displayed. Select an
artist or song to change its alert status or
choose to delete the TuneSelect. Xpress
can track up to 20 of your favorite artists
and songs.
Edit GameSelect
Adding sports and teams at the info extras menu in which XM broadcasts (see page 40)
automatically adds those sports and teams to your GameSelect list. GameSelect finds and
alerts you as to whenever your favorite sports and teams are being played on any other XM
channel. Xpress
will store up to 50 GameSelects. To edit your GameSelect list:
Press the Menu button, scroll to Edit Alerts Edit GameSelect.
A list of sports and teams that you have added will be displayed. Select a sport or team to
change its alert status. Xpress
can track up to 50 of your sports and teams.
Note: You will only receive a GameSelect alert on those events in which XM broadcasts.
All Alerts
Selecting All Alerts changes the status of all alerts globally. By default All Alerts are “On”.
To disable All Alerts:
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Edit Alerts > Edit TuneSelect
New Years Day
Whole Lotta Love
Red Hot Chili Peppers
TuneSelected by song TuneSelected by artist Alert is turned off for that item