
NO verting
th on the
screen until this procedure is completed.
1) Place the unit (with the screen facing up) on a soft padded surface.
2) Pivot the screen so that it is perpendicular to the front of the unit and then turn it sideways.
3) Remove the hinge guide covers (#1) using a flat blade screwdriver inserted into the removal
slots. Unscrew the mounting screws (#2). Remove the connector from the unit (#3), be
careful not to damage the screen (#5).
4) Turn the unit over and remove the blank cover (#4)
5) Connect the plug of the LCD monitor into the connector (#3). (Note: align the “L” and “R”
stamped on the screen mounting bracket with the “L” and “R” molded into the
connector housing).
6) Replace the screws and slide the hinge guide covers onto the unit, be careful to not damage
the wires. (Note: Do not over-tighten).
TE: Use caution to avoid damaging the LCD screen and the main unit when con
is unit from an under-counter unit to a countertop unit. Leave the protective plastic