
Chapter 2: Basic Skills
Status Icon Meaning
Turns all sounds on and off and changes the volume level
Battery charging
Battery is low
Battery is very low
Battery is full
Active connection
Synchronization is beginning or ending
Synchronization in process
Notification that a new program or system update is available
Instant message received
E-mail message received
Following are some of the status icons you may see.
Status Icon Meaning
Not connected to the network
Connected to the network
There is a missed call
There is an unread SMS message
There is a voice mail message
Watcherâ„¢ Status Icons:
When Watcherâ„¢ is activated, the following icons may be displayed on the command bar of the
Today screen.
If more notification icons need to be displayed than there is room for on the screen, the
will display. Tap the icon to view all the notifications.