Dark Blue Wire: Delayed 300mA Pulsed Channel 2 Output
The Dark Blue wire supplies a 300mA ground pulsed output whenever channel two of the receiver is accessed.
Pressing the pre-programmed transmitter button for three seconds will access channel two. This is a low
current output and must be connected to a relay to supply power to the trunk release or the circuit you wish
to control. Connect the Dark Blue wire to terminal # 86 of a VF45F11 P&B relay or equivalent. Connect
terminal # 85 of the relay to a fused + 12 volt source. Connect the common, normally open, and normally
closed contacts of the relay to perform the selected function of channel 2. See below for relay wiring detail.
Channel 2 Relay Wiring Detail
Green w/ Black Trace Wire: 300mA Latched Channel 3 Output
The Green w/ Black Trace wire supplies a 300 mA switched output whenever channel three of the receiver
is accessed. Pressing the pre-programmed transmitter button(s) will access channel three and will remain
active for as long as the transmitter button(s) is held. This is a low current output and must be connected
to a relay to supply power to the device you intend to control. Connect Green w/ Black Trace wire to
terminal #86 of a VF45F11 P&B relay or equivalent. Connect terminal #85 of the relay to a fused + 12 volt
source. Connect the common, normally open, and normally closed contacts of the relay to perform the
selected function of the channel 3 output.
Dark Blue/Black Trace Wire: External Remote Start Trigger Input
The Dark Blue/Black trace wire allows the remote start unit to be activated from an external source. The
intent of this wire is to allow the unit to be controlled from a "POSSE/CAR-LINK" paging system or similar
device. When this wire receives a ground pulse, the unit will start the vehicle. Connect this wire to a ground
pulsed output from the controlling circuit.
The auxiliary 4 pin connector provides low current outputs to control various functions in the vehicle during
different stages of the Remote Start unit's operation. Understanding these outputs and the time in which
they occur will allow you to determine if they are needed for the particular vehicle you are working on as well
as how to use them.
Black w Blue Trace Wire: Pulsed Ground Output Before Start
The Black w/ Blue Trace wire will provide a 1 second 300 mA pulsed ground output 1.5 second before the
remote start unit activates as well as when the transmitter is used to disarm the system. Typical use for
this output would be to disarm a factory theft deterrent system to prevent false triggering of the factory
alarm when the remote start unit engages or when the PRO-9675 is used to unlock the doors.
Black w/ Light Green Trace Wire: Pulsed Ground Output After Start
The Black w/ Light Green Trace wire will provide a 1 second 300mA pulsed ground output after the vehicle
is started under control of the remote start unit. Typically this wire will be used to re-lock the vehicle doors
if the doors unlock automatically when the factory anti-theft system is disarmed.
Black w/ Red Trace Wire: Pulsed Ground Output After Shutdown
The Black w/ Red Trace wire will provide a 1 second 300 mA pulsed ground output after the remote start unit
shuts down. This output will occur regardless of whether the circuit times out or is manually terminated.
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