Setting Up Your Voicemail
All unanswered calls to your Sprint PCS Phone are automatically
transferred to your voicemail, even if your phone is in use or turned
off. Therefore, you will want to set up your voicemail and personal
greeting as soon as your phone is activated.
To set up voicemail:
1. Press (Menu) to access the main menu.
2. Select Messaging ().
3. Select Voicemail ().
4. Select Call ().
5. Follow the system prompts to create your pass code, record
your greeting, record your name announcement, and choose
whether to activate One-Touch Message Access (a feature that
lets you access messages simply by pressing and holding ,
bypassing the need for you to enter your pass code).
The voicemail setup process may vary in certain Affiliate areas.
Tip: To activate One-Touch Message Access, press and hold .
For more information about using your voicemail,
see “Using Voicemail”on page 108.
Getting Help
Visiting Our Website
Stop by www.sprintpcs.com and sign on to get up-to-date information
on Sprint PCS Services, options, and more.
You can also:
Review coverage maps
Learn how to use voicemail
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Check out frequently asked questions
And more
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