starting the vehicle and will remain shunted, if active, while running under command of the remote start.
If this wire is active when the system is armed, the siren will emit three chirps. When the zone clears, the
siren will emit 1 chirp to confirm full arming. See below for wiring detail.
Dark Blue Wire: Delayed 300mA Pulsed Channel 2 Output
The Dark Blue wire supplies a 300mA ground pulsed output whenever channel two of the receiver is
accessed. Pressing the pre-programmed transmitter button for three seconds will access channel two.
This is a low current output and must be connected to a relay to supply power to the trunk release or the
circuit you wish to control. Connect the Dark Blue wire to terminal # 86 of a VF45F11 P&B relay or
equivalent. Connect terminal # 85 of the relay to a fused + 12 volt source. Connect the common,
normally open, and normally closed contacts of the relay to perform the selected function of channel 2.
See below for relay wiring detail.
Negative Door Switch Wiring Detail
Channel 2 Relay Wiring Detail
Green w/Black Trace Wire: 300mA Latched Channel 3 Output
The Green w/Black Trace wire supplies a 300 mA switched output whenever channel three of the
receiver is accessed. Pressing the pre-programmed transmitter button(s) will access channel three and
will remain active, for up to 8 seconds, as long as the transmitter button(s) is held. This is a low current
output and must be connected to a relay to supply power to the device you intend to control. Connect
Green w/Black Trace wire to terminal #86 of a VF45F11 P&B relay or equivalent. Connect terminal #85
of the relay to a fused + 12 volt source. Connect the common, normally open, and normally closed
contacts of the relay to perform the selected function of the channel 3 output.