Menu O
- File -
Save: Allows a set of SmartMixer configuration settings to be saved to a data file for future recall. To
save a group of settings, select Menu>Save. In the dialog box, choose the location for the saved
file and give it a name. (The default extension is .at.)
Note: Please make certain that the number of mixers (master & slave) in the previously saved
configuration file matches the number of mixers in your current configuration. If the
number of mixers in the preset does not match the number of mixers in your current
configuration, the software may not function correctly.
Open: Allows a previously saved configuration file to overwrite the current SmartMixer settings. Click
open and select the previously saved file. A dialog box opens asking to confirm replacement. Click
OK to replace the file or cancel to exit.
Click Exit to close the program
- Window -
Use this menu to select which SmartMixer’s configuration is viewed by clicking the window of the mixer
you want to view. The default is the Master. Multiple SmartMixer windows can be open at one time. Click
on the window header to choose the one to modify.
- CPU -
This menu option is used to upgrade the AT-MX381 firmware. This function should be used only by
authorized factory-trained technicians upon specific direction from Audio-Technica.
- Help -
Clicking HELP opens a software version information screen.
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