Adjusting the Volume
During a call, press the Volume Up/Down Keys to adjust the earpiece or
speaker volume.
Using Call History
From the home screen, press the Send Key to check the All Calls log for a list of
recent calls.
14 Phone Calls
You can store contacts with multiple phone numbers and email addresses, as well
as a physical address and additional details.
The phone can store up to 1000 items. Your SIM card can store contact
information as well; however, a SIM card may not be able to save all of the contact
fields supported by the phone. Check with your service provider for more details
about your SIM card, including its capacity.
Adding a New Contact
Select Main Menu > Address Book > Left Soft Key for Options > New Contact.
Enter the contact information into the appropriate fields.
Press the OK Key to save the new contact.
Searching Contacts
Select Main Menu > Address Book to view all contacts.
Enter a letter, and the phone will display all contacts whose first names begin
with that letter. For example, to search for “Sam Green,” press the S Key once.
All first names starting with “S” or “s” will be displayed.
Note: If you have changed the Display Order setting on your phone to show last
name first (e.g. “Green, Sam”), then the search function will display all contacts
whose last names begin with the letter(s) you enter. In this example, typing the
G Key would result in the contact being displayed.
You can refine a search by entering one or more letters that appear subsequent
to the first letter in the contact’s name. For example, typing “JN” into the search
field will return contacts named “John” and “Julian,” but not “James.”
Address Book
15Address Book