Equipment Brief
64297 738516908632 BAT MOTL7 1000 EXT/DR LI OR $44.99
64298 738516809281 BAT MOTL7 840 STD LI OR $41.99
64301 738516001340 CAS MOTL7 2PK BL/BW AR $29.99
64331 738516809748 CAS MOTL7 BK ARMBAND AR $29.99
64046 738516440361 CHR MOTV3 TRAVEL CHR AR $29.99
63612 738516926186 CLA MOTV3 VPC OR $29.99
63592 738516924458 DAT MOTV220/180/3 USB CABLE OR $24.99
63650 738516926155 EBD MOTV3 USB HEADSET OR $21.99
63928 738516806600 HDS JAB250v BLUETOOTH AR $79.99
63594 738516924649 HDS MOTHS801 BLUETOOTH OR $39.99
63806 738516928036 HDS MOTHS815 BLUETOOTH OR $49.99
63595 738516926254 HDS MOTHS820 BT W/Y-CABLE OR $79.99
63805 738516928685 HDS MOTHS850 BLUETOOTH OR $99.99
64394 738516810195 HDS MOTL7 3.5/EMU ADAPTER OR $19.99
64408 738516815626 HDS MOTL7 EMU STEREO HDS OR $29.99
64184 607375022080 HDS MOTO BT H500 $89.99
64221 738516800332 HDS PLA320 EXPLORER BT AR $49.99
64222 738516806730 HDS PLA510 VOYAGER BT AR $79.99
64223 738516800455 HDS PLA640 DISCOVERY BT AR $119.99
63593 738516804422 HDS PLAM2500 BLUETOOTH OR $49.99
64265 738516808475 HDS SERHBH-608 BT AR $79.99
63397 738516923048 HDS UNIVBLUETOOTH W/CHARGER OR $89.99
63335 607421730228 HDS UNIVUNIV BT W/CHARGER AR $69.99
64303 607375023582 MISC LG Portable Speakers OR $49.99
63596 738516923031 MISC MOTHF800 BT WRLES SPKR OR $99.99
64089 738516800486 MISC MOTROKR E1 512MB MICSD AR $69.99
64036 723755640368 MISC RAZRWIRE BLACK OR $294.99
64038 723755640382 MISC RAZRWIRE MERCURY OR $294.99
64037 723755640375 MISC RAZRWIRE ROOTBEER OR $294.99
• Learning Edge and Cingular University Course code: MOT113
• Details, one page training job aid and FAQs can be found on the Description page on CSP, keyword: iTunes
• Phone specs and equipment pricing can be found in the Equipment Catalog located on CSP
iTunes just like you know it - Here’s how easy it is:
Suggested Qualifying Questions:
• “Did you know the SLVR L7 has an Airplane Mode allowing you to listen to your iTunes music when traveling?”
• “And speaking of traveling… isn’t it important for you to rely on your phone regardless of where you are? The
SLVR L7 is a Quad Band World Phone which will pick up on any available GSM network on the globe. ”
• “Are you aware that with a Bluetooth headset, the SLVR L7 allows conversations up to 100 feet away? Most
Bluetooth phones can only support up to 30 feet.”
• “The SLVR L7 is much more that just a cool looking iTunes device. Did you know this phone also has a VGA
camera with 4x zoom and video capture capabilities?”
• “Don’t you like to personalize? The large non scratch display is great for photos and downloadable graphics.”
• “Do you like the look of the RAZR but prefer a candy bar form factor?”
o Install the included iTunes PC software
o Connect the phone & load up to 100 songs – share from your existing iTunes
music library
• Listen
o Use the iTunes soft key to play, shuffle & show artist information, just like
• Never miss a beat
o Pause music when you get a call
esume music with the press
of a button once you hang up