Min# Chan
This field reserves a specified number of trunk group members that are to always be
available to the associated Service/Feature. Permitted numbers are any number
within the range of 0 to 99.
NOTE: For each allocation plan, the sum of the Min# Chan columns must be
less than the total number of members for the trunk group. To maximize the
utility of CBC Service Selection, the sum of the Min# Chan column must be
much less than the total number of members for the trunk group. The
difference between this sum and the total numbers of members determines the
overflow pool.
Max# Chan
This field established the maximum number of trunk members that can be used by
the associated Service/Feature application at any one time (for example,
An Example Application for Usage Allocation Plans
A given ISDN-PRI trunk group has the Service Type field translated cbc and has 23 trunk members.
And if:
At any given time, no more than 15 members (that is, Max# Chan = 15) will be used for the
particular Service/Feature.
At least 5 members (that is, Min# Chan = 5 ) will always be reserved for this service
Then, these Min Chan and Max Chan administration assignments insure the following:
At least 8 trunk members will be available for other types of calls. Other types of calls may be
a combination of both incoming and outgoing.
Regardless of the maximum bound assigned to other services, there will always be at least 5
members that can carry calls for the associated Service/Feature (for example, MEGACOM
NOTE: This type of allocation plan has the characteristic of insuring that no single service
will dominate the trunk group, while still allowing for periodic fluctuations in demand. If a
particular Service/Feature attempts a call that would result in exceeding the specified
threshold, then that call is rejected.
Usage Allocation Plan Assignment Schedule — ISDN-PRI Applications
CBC USAGE ALLOCATION PLAN ASSIGNMENT SCHEDULE screen permits the customer to administer a
usage allocation plan and to vary the plan by both time of day and day of week. Figure 7-74, Trunk
Group Screen, Page 4 (ISDN-PRI), depicts this procedure.