1. Air-to-Air Heat Exchanger:
This unique high-efficiency heat exchanger is of a finned shell and tube design. The tubes are of high quality
copper and are enhanced by outer fins of corrugated aluminum. The air is first directed into the shell of the heat
exchanger and is baffled back and forth across the finned tubes giving off its heat to the cool, dry air as it
passes through the tube side of the heat exchanger.
2. Air-to-Refrigerant Heat Exchanger (Evaporator):
This heat exchanger is also of the finned shell and tube design. The evaporator is engineered with maximum
efficiency in mind. It also incorporates the high quality copper tubes with corrugated fins and is baffled in the
same manner as the air-to-air heat exchanger. The heat is transferred from the compressed air to the
refrigerant within the tubes and is then dissipated to atmosphere through the condenser coil in the refrigeration
Designed into the lower half of the heat exchanger is an ultra-low velocity separator section which extracts and
discharges the moisture as it is condensed. This separation process traps and keeps the moisture from re-
entering the compressed air flow
3. Drain Valves:
TYPE: Solenoid Drain Valve (D-320 to D-2000).
Zero Air Loss Drain Valve(s) (D-2500 to D-10000).
1. Refrigerant Compressor:
The refrigerant compressor used is an industrial type, of full hermetic, semi-hermetic or scroll design. These
compressors can be either single phase or three phase, depending on the application. The compressors used
are designed for high temperature applications which allow an evaporation temperature range of 20°F (-7°C) to
50°F (10°C). Each compressor motor is fully protected by either an internal or external overload which is of the
automatic reset type. All compressors used are suction gas-cooled and have a wide working range. The
connected electrical load can vary with the compressor load, ambient temperature or cooling water
2. Air-Cooled Condenser and Condenser Fan Cycling Control (Low Ambient):
All air cooled condensers used in the AIR/TAK dryers are industrial plate fin type coils, designed for maximum
ambient conditions. Each condenser has a sub-cooling system which permits the condensed refrigerant to be
sub-cooled below the normal condensing temperature to within 10°F of the ambient temperature.
The condensers are forced convection type and the fan motor(s) is controlled by a pressure switch(s) (low-
ambient control). This pressure switch is activated by the condenser head pressure. This pressure will vary with
the ambient temperature and evaporator load.
As the pressure increases to a factory set cut-in pressure, the fan switch closes and the fan motor starts. The
fan removes the heat within the condenser and lowers head pressure to the factory set cut-out point. With the
fan switch controlling the upper and lower pressure limits, the dryer can operate through a wide range of
ambient and load conditions. When the ambient is high and the dryer is operating at full load, the condenser
pressure and temperature will stabilize and the fan(s) will run continuously.
3. The Evaporator Air-to-Refrigerant Heat Exchanger:
The evaporator is constructed of high quality copper tubing that utilizes an extended surface of corrugated
aluminum fins. The tubes are set in a staggered pattern for maximum heat transfer. Each refrigerant circuit is
fed by a venturi type refrigerant distributor which insures that cold liquid refrigerant is efficiently distributed to
the bottom of each circuit.